"My Family is So Scottish" Children's Book

"My Family is So Scottish" was shortlisted for The Selfies Children's Book Award at London Book Fair.

"My Family is so Scottish" is a unique, fun, rhyming children's picture book that celebrates everything Scottish!
The book follows a Scottish family, narrated by one of their children, who takes us on their family adventures and introduces us to her very Scottish family members...
Scottish food, culture, phrases and places are featured throughout the picture book, making this a book enjoyable and fun, for young and old!
A glossary is included to help those not gifted with a Scottish tongue!

"My Family is So Scottish" is the official commemorative book, in collaboration with SPT & Glasgow Subway, celebrating 125 years of the subway.

"My Family is so Scottish" 2022 and Daddy's Scared of Beasties" 2023 written by Kirstin McNeil, and illustrated by Karen MacAllister.
Published by Sequoia Publishing www.sequoiapublishing.co.uk
Available from Sequoia Publishing, Waterstone's and all independent book stores.
MFISS - Paperback ISBN: 978-1-9168803-1-3 DSOB - Paperback ISBN: 978-1-9168803-2-0
"My Family is So Scottish" is in collaboration with Strathclyde Partnership Transport and Glasgow Subway www.spt.co.uk/125
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